Jamie and Eric are two very awesome and lucky people. They have found the one thing in life everyone wants- Happiness. They are so happy and laid back. Their wedding was an absolute joy to photograph. I feel like I became friends with all of their wedding guests. Everyone was so nice and just overall awesome. The day was gorgeous even though it was overcast(which is a photographers dream come true.) Everything was perfect. The details in the wedding were awesome and just unusual I thought they were great.
This walkway had photos lining it on both sides.
Her very talented sister Christine did the flower arrangements. They were awesome and gorgeous.
Each table was named after a fruit or a vegetable and each placecard was a packet of seeds. Brilliant!
When I first walked up to the barn I saw this and thought "huh.. thats weird" but it ended up being super cute. Here is Walter and myself being awesome farmers.
Yes- that is bacon on top of that cupcake. Maple Bacon was the flavor and not too bad. Thanks Ryan and Christine for letting me try part of yours!
I dont think that there is any wedding dress more beautiful than a lace wedding gown. So classic and gorgeous.
Gorgeous engagement ring too!
Okay lindy hoppers. I know you read my blog and youre fixing to get excited about this pair of shoes. They have leather bottoms and I fell in love with them before I even knew that. Ah! Amazing.
Walter was all smiles, I think he knew what was up.
Jamie and Eric wrote their own vows. They were probably the most thoughtful vows I have ever heard. I think my favorite phrase was from Jamie "I'm so happy that Walter can have parents.. that are married," that made everyone crack up.
Part two will be up tomorrow!
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